Home Life Relationships are like birds

Relationships are like birds

Relationships are like birds. If you hold tightly, they die. If you hold loosely, they fly. But, if you hold with care, they remain with you forever.

It is not difficult to start a relationship. But maintaining it well and in the long term is not easy at all.

Maintaining a relationship is like taking care of a bird. If you hold it too tight, or you control it too strictly, it will feel hard to breath, the relationship will die like a bird being smothered.

And if you are too indifferent to the relationship, the other person will feel abandoned, like a bird, it is not taken care of carefully, it will fly away.

But if you cultivate that relationship with caring for the other person, respecting the other’s freedom, they will love you and keep the relationship together with you. You will have a good long lasting relationship.