Home Life Reasons Why First Love Doesn’t Last Longer For Most Of The People

Reasons Why First Love Doesn’t Last Longer For Most Of The People

First Love is an experience that everyone goes through, and at the time the feelings are so intense that you truly believe that it will last forever. The fact is that in the vast majority of cases, first love is not going to work. There are a number of reasons why, and here are some of them …

1. Infatuation

During our first love, we are naive and don’t know the difference between love and infatuation. The reason for not lasting is that it can be that it was not love and just infatuation.

2. Youth

For most people, our experience of first love occurs when we are very young. At that stage in life, you lack the knowledge and maturity to make a relationship work. How many people do you know who are still with their first love? Those who meet when young and stay together are in the minority.

3. Inexperience

The first time that you fall in love is an amazing experience, but it generally happens when you are very young. At that age you don´t have much knowledge of relationships and love – this naturally grows as you get older and date more people. When you´re inexperienced, it´s hard to get things right first time.

4. Unrequited love

For a lot of us, our first love was painfully one-sided. Either we never had the courage to confess our feelings, or worse, they were never reciprocated. And while it seemed like the end of the world back then, time did heal those wounds. You have moved on, and now look at those days of pining and crying as lessons and nothing else.

5. Love is friendship

When we are young, we tend to confuse love and friendship. To add to it, we also have Bollywood to thank! As a result, we end up with falling in love with our best friends and getting hurt in the process of dating our best friend and realizing that we’ve messed up the friendship. Yes, there are lucky people out there who find love in their best friends. But for some of us, that didn’t work out too well.

6. We change along the way

Think of how much you’ve grown since the time you first fell in love. Doesn’t it feel like you were a whole different person back then? Well, that’s life – as the years pass, they teach you lessons and mould you along the way. Your first love probably didn’t last because you were a different person when you got into it, but a whole different person when you got out. It could be the same for him.

7. Patience is a virtue

So he moved cities? Or you moved to another neighbourhood? Well, we don’t blame you for thinking that that’s the end of the world. You couldn’t sustain your love because it became increasingly hard to keep each other as an integral part of your world. It’s okay. It has happened to the best of us! It’s nice to look back and think it was awesome while it lasted.

8. The pressures of life

With your parents breathing down your neck and asking you to focus on education, plus the need to do well in life…dating when you are young can very well come with a lot of pressure. Sometimes, young love doesn’t survive these pressures. It wasn’t his fault and it wasn’t your fault – it’s just circumstances. Best to let bygones be bygones and just think of it as a story to tell your grandkids about your young and free days.

9. Drama

We all were just teenagers during our first love and we can not handle all the drama of a relationship as they are too much for us.

References: love.allwomenstalk.com, popxo.com