Home Health Put the mixture of water, vinegar and coarse salt in some...

Put the mixture of water, vinegar and coarse salt in some corners of your house. Wait 24 hours you’ll be amazed what happens!

Put the mixture of water, vinegar and coarse salt in some corners of your house. Wait 24 hours you’ll be amazed what happens!

Eliminate bad energies from home can be a simple task. Home energies are able to influence the relations of the members of the family, the economy and fortune. Therefore, worry about having your home away from envy and rancor. Prepare this energy cleaning with vinegar, water and salt.

Harmonizes your home

Before performing a clean energy, it is necessary to harmonize your home. First, it is necessary that all the people living in it are in harmony with each other. This does not mean that there is a sporadic discussion, as in all families. It means that there is respect, cordiality and a peaceful relationship is maintained.

But what do we mean when we talk about harmonizing the house? We talk about that all who live there, are in total harmony and comfort with the environment (furniture, curtains, colors, etc.). To achieve this, it is necessary that every corner of the home transmit to us a good feeling. If a table you do not like or bothers you sight, you need to remove it, even a great design object. If an appliance is not working and every time you look at and remember what frustrates you, you must remove it.

It will also be necessary to maintain some order. The disorder plunges us into a mental chaos and brings feelings of despair. Note that the disorder is created by us, ie it is the reflection of a part of ourselves too.

Energy housecleaning

Maybe it has happened that you are visiting a cozy house, where you feel so comfortable that time flies. Or you may have gone to a place with such bad vibe you want to run away. This happens because the energies that live there. As reported by specialists, the spaces become symptom of the energies of those who live there. For those vibes do not influence the lives of people is necessary to clean and remove bad energy from home.

A clean energy is working and purify the space. To do this, it must transmute the energy of one self, raise their own vibration. Only aware of it, our energy rises and starts working. If your home is already harmonized energy cleaning will be easier and you’ll be living in a place that gives you good emotions.

In addition, you can eliminate bad energy from home through certain tricks, as we will see below.

Eliminate bad energies home with water, salt and vinegar.

In addition to transmute your emotions, helps clean energy with this very simple recipe. To do it you need a glass, transparent, colorless or drawings. Place the glass in some corner of the house, in a room to share all who live there.

Then add in the following order:

Pour about 2 cm of coarse salt.
Half filled the glass with vinegar.
Finally complete the other half with pure water.
Once you harmonize, wipe and delete the bad energies notice that cohabitation is less problematic, they can relate better and reach only positive things in their lives.