Home Spirituality People Of These Zodiac Signs Who Argue And Fight The Most

People Of These Zodiac Signs Who Argue And Fight The Most

It gets really frustrating to talk to someone who isn’t rational enough. It’s thought to tackle the ones who love fighting, fail to understand the situation and are very grumpy. And so, it’s a matter of grey area; on how to talk to these people since they are always in for an explosive argument. Identifying such people based on their zodiac signs are a great way to steer clear of such people, so that you don’t end up saying the wrong thing in front of them. Hence, we bring to to you the zodiac signs who are most prone to fighting and arguing.

1. Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

A Scorpio has a very combative personality is because they are very cynical. They aren’t the most social Zodiac sign out there. In fact, they are quite far from being so. They like to keep to themselves. They like to close themselves off from the rest of the world. They always want to make sure that they don’t give other people the power to hurt them; and that’s why they can be very confrontational. They are rarely ever a pleasure to be around.

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 21)

The Taurus is on the list of the zodiac signs that argue and fight the most because of their stubbornness and hard-headedness. They are always so quick to fight the people who don’t agree with them. They are very passionate and they can get really intense too. They are so defensive to the point that they alienate a lot of people because of their close-mindedness. They are never receptive of opposing opinions and alternate perspectives. It’s going to take a lot to convince a Taurus to play nice and to go back on whatever they believe in.

3. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo people never like to be painted in a bad light. They never like to be put in a position wherein their strength is in question. They hate it when they are around other people who threaten their egos – and they go into full defensive mode whenever that’s the case. They will be so quick to defend their honor because their pride is everything to them. They would be ready to end relationships if it meant getting to make sure that their egos are protected.

4. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

A person of Cancer doesn’t necessarily like to fight others – but they are so sensitive that you never know what you can expect when you’re with them. Even the slightest comment would be enough to push them over the edge. They are very emotional; and that’s why they can be a struggle to be around a lot of the time.

5. Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

A Gemini isn’t necessarily a fighting Zodiac sign. They don’t have very combative or confrontational personalities. Well, at least they try not to. That’s the thing about a Gemini. You never know what you can expect from them. They have very unstable personalities. They have very unpredictable behavior. They aren’t always the most reliable people to be around. They usually have plenty of personalities trapped within one body – and that could be a potential breeding ground for chaotic behavior. That is why the Geminis have landed on this list.