Home Life Only those who care about you, can hear you when you’re quiet.”

Only those who care about you, can hear you when you’re quiet.”

Someone told me,
“Only those who care about you, can hear you when you’re quiet.”

How much do I need to say so others can listen to me and understand me? A friend of mine has told me that I don’t need to say anything because they care about me so much that they can understand what I want.

Because they care about me, they know my personality. They know what I will say, do, and react in different situations.

Because they care about me, they know who I am. They understand my feelings and understand my words, and even the things that I have not said, or cannot say.

Because they care about me, they know how to connect with me. When two people are connected to each other, they can feel each other’s feelings without any words or actions.

And, those who truly care about me, will listen and understand me even when I say nothing at all.