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Notice your man’s body language. If he’s doing these things to you, he is into you truly

Notice your man’s body language. If he’s doing these things to you, he is into you truly

1. He Smiles Often

When he smiles, take notice if he’s only smiling with lips or his whole body is smiling. When a man is with the girl he loves, his whole body reflects the happiness. He smiles a lot. And his eyes are smiling along with his lips.

2. He Smiles With His Front Teeth

He smiles with his front teeth. Most of the guys don’t show their teeth once they have reached the maturity level. But if he’s smiling with his front teeth on display then there is a big chance he’s into you.

3. He Is Locking Eyes

When a man is in love with you he can’t help but stare at your beautiful face. In this way, he’s making sure that “this is the face I want to look at for the rest of my life”.

4. His Pupils Dilate

This is the clearest signal that the guy is in love with you his pupils dilate. When you look into his eyes and his pupils dilate this means that he’s attracted to you. On the other hand, if the pupils contract while he looks at you. This is the sign that you shouldn’t waste any more time. He’s not interested in you at all.

5. Eyebrow Flash

If he slightly raises his eyebrow when he’s talking to you or looking at you that means he is interested. This happens for a split of a second but this is the instant reaction of being attracted.

6. He Touches Your Hair

If he’s touching your hair and/or like touching your hair then you should know you’re more than a friend to him. nobody touches the hair of the friend.

7. He’s Looking At Your Lips

If you both are talking and you find him looking at your lips every now and then, take the notice. Guys do this when they’re thinking about kissing you.

8. He Licks His Lips

Guys tend to lick their lips or brush their fingers on their lips in front of the girl they find sexy. If he’s licking his lips in front of you (not in a creepy way), he wants to kiss you.

9. Is He Blinking Faster?

If you notice him blinking a bit more than usual the reason is he likes you. We tend to blink more when we look at the person we are attracted to.

10. He Likes To Lean

When he leans towards you while you both talk, or sit together, this is the obvious sign he’s in love with you and he’s leaning because he feels comfortable with you. However, if he leans away that means a big NO, NO!!

11. Judge The Touches

He likes holding your hands or rub them gently. He places his hand on your waist when you both take a walk together. He’s hugging you a little longer and a bit harder. He loves you, there is no second thought about that, he is into you.

12. He Is Okay With Your Touch

You brush your hands against his or rubs his body slightly while walking with him, and he stayed calm. This means he is into you and he feels super comfortable around you. If a guy reacts to your touch and flinches then that means he is not that into you.