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Not many women know that guys would love to hear these types of compliments

Praise plays an important part in any relationship. Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have a need to be appreciated and validated, to hear from those closest to us that we are good parents, good partners, good friends, good people. When we do something right — say handle a situation or task properly — it’s nice to hear about it from our partners and friends and kids. When we make a decision, it’s often great to know our partner supports it. It may not seem like a big deal, but the right compliments for men are fuel that keeps us going, that help us stay productive and healthy and moving in the right direction.

When it comes to compliments for men, the more specific is always better. That’s why we reached out to a variety of men about the kind words they’d like to hear more from their partners, friends, and kids. Here’s 4 types of compliments that men would love to hear

1. Compliments related to body and appearance

These help men feel recognized and appreciated. They are a way to show that you are paying attention and that you value the person.

For men, compliments specific to one’s body or appearance are especially well-received by men. This is because compliments that focus on physical attributes fuel a man’s ego and make him feel more desirable.

Additionally, your compliments about a man’s appearance communicate to him that you find him attractive, which is a major aphrodisiac. This can be a way to show appreciation for all the time and effort that he puts into his appearance. Ultimately, compliments about a man’s body and appearance can go a long way toward making him feel loved and appreciated.

Here are examples of s.e.x.y compliments related to a man’s physical appearance:

You look incredibly handsome/manly today.
You look gorgeous when you cry/laugh.
I love being locked in your sexy arms.
Your beard is very majestic.
You look so attractive in that suit/tie/outfit!
That shirt looks great on you. But when you’re shirtless, you look more astonishing.
I am jealous of your eyelashes; they’re so long and thick.
You are glowing.

2. Compliments showing you’re affected by him

Whether it’s his great sense of humor or his irresistible good looks, men appreciate compliments that remind them that they impact those around them. This can be especially true in romantic relationships, as men like to know that their significant other is greatly affected by everything they do.

Here are such great ideas to let him know that you feel the same when you’re with him:

You have very captivating eyes. I may get lost in them forever.
You know how to make me laugh/smile.
I can’t help but smile and blush around you.
I always love spending time with you.
I consider you as my safety net. I feel very supported by you, and it means a lot to me.

3. Compliments indicating you have high respect for him

This is the best compliment a man can receive. When you respect a man, you tell him that he is valued and appreciated. It also shows that you see him as a valuable member of society.

Furthermore, men place a higher emotional premium on feeling respected than loved. Compliments from their partner boost men’s self-esteem more than compliments about their physical appearance. Men feel respect as love, and they may value feeling respected by their partner more than feeling loved. Therefore, the next time you’re looking to show your man some love, try complimenting him on his character or achievements. It just might mean more to him than you think.

Here are great examples of compliments for men that indicate respect:

I am very proud of you.
You are such a wonderful person.
You have such an energetic personality.

4. Compliments that indicate you believe in him

Whether at home or the office, many men crave recognition for their work. When you offer your man a sincere and great compliment, you are letting him know that you appreciate his efforts and believe in him and his capabilities. This can help boost his confidence and self-esteem, making him feel appreciated by you in particular.

A sincere compliment can let a man know that you believe in him, admire his strengths, and appreciate all of his efforts. Perhaps more importantly, compliments show that you are paying attention to the little things and recognizing the hard work he puts in daily.

Whether working hard on a challenging project or going above and beyond at his job, a well-timed compliment lets him know that he is valued and appreciated. (1)

Among the compliments you would want to say to your man to show that you believe in him are:

I love and appreciate how driven you are each day.
I believe so much in you.
You are a responsible guy, so I always rely on you.
I know you can achieve whatever that’s on your mind. You always have.
Is there something you cannot do?
You are such a good cook.
I will be on your side, no matter what happens.
You’re such a dependable guy.
You are so confident and strong.

References: fatherly.com, thepowerofsilence.co