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Not “I love you”, here are 8 phrases your partner wants to hear from you

Telling someone you love them is one of the most thrilling things you could do. But there are many other phrases that are just as, if not more important, and exhilarating to say.

Many of us get caught up in the concept of love so much that we often forget there are other essential things we need to say to someone in order to prove that our love is real in the first place. And here are some of them

1. “I am so lucky to have you”

When you will truly fall for someone, you won’t have to find reasons to feel lucky. One day, out of nowhere, you will look at your partner and a realisation will hit you, that you would give anything away to have this moment, forever.

You will feel that you aren’t worthy enough to have someone so great in your life and that is when you truly feel lucky. When you do, don’t forget to tell your partner, don’t keep this feeling hidden away from them because nothing says I love you’ more than saying these words. You are actually making your partner feel that it feels no less than a miracle to you, to have them in their life.

2. “I respect you.”

I respect you for who you are, and not for what I feel you deserve. I respect you because you deserve my respect, not because you earned it. I’ll respect your opinions and consider your feelings. I’ll treat you like a person with your own thoughts, hopes, dreams and desires. And those thoughts, hopes, dreams, and desires will matter to me the way they matter to you.

3. “I am here for you”

When you love someone, you don’t just love one aspect of their personality or life. You accept them as a whole, the good as well as the bad. The funny thing about love is that when you love a person, even the worst things about them look beautiful to you because those same things have helped your partner become the kind of person they are.

4. “I forgive you.”

I forgive you for all the things I’ve done, or will do, that may hurt you. I forgive the way you may lash out when you are hungry, I forgive the things you may say when you’re tired after a long day. I forgive the times you didn’t even know you upset me. I forgive your big mistakes and the small ones. I forgive you for not knowing what I needed when I thought you would, or even expected you to know. I forgive you when you fall short, because I see how hard you are trying. I forgive you the way I hope you’ll forgive me because I know neither of us our perfect.

5. “I miss you”

This special phrase communicates that when you are apart, you are thinking of each other and wish you weren’t apart. Your partner’s absence creates an emptiness in your life.

6. “I trust you”

If you have thoughts of jealousy, it can be hard to trust the person you’re with. But if they treat you with respect, dignity, and love, they should be trusted and acknowledged for those things.

“I trust you” lets your partner understand that you feel secure in your relationship and do not just trust their physical judgment but also in regards to relationship decisions.

7. “I’ll protect you.”

I’ll protect you from harm. I’ll protect your heart from pain. I’ll protect the idea of us. I won’t demean you. I’ll treasure you and shield you from evil, bad and ugly. I won’t let others put you down. You will be safe in my arms, safe in my hands and safe in my heart. I’ll be your safe haven, your safety net, and someone you can always trust.

8. “I am yours”

It’s crucially important that your special someone knows that you’re committed to them. You could not imagine being in a world without them, and this is why you will never leave them. It’s a great feeling of security knowing that your partner is fully committed to being yours.

Do you think we may have missed some important phrases? Let us know in the comment section below.

Sources: iheartintelligence.com, timesofindia.indiatimes.com,