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No, Our Family Doesn’t ‘Match’ But Thanks To Adoption, It’s Brimming With Love

Mom Shares Inspiring Story of How She Became a Parent Overnight With a Surprise Adoption

After getting married in January of 2018, Sadie and Jarvis Sampson tried for over a year to get pregnant without success. This was particularly difficult for Sadie, who had felt destined for motherhood her entire life.

After reaching out to her doctor, Sadie was told that losing weight might increase her chances of conceiving.

” ‘Lose weight, and you’ll get pregnant right away,’ said every doctor I saw,” Sampson wrote on Love What Matters. “I had tried to lose weight on my own for so long without success, so I started seeking out other options. In February 2019, I underwent gastric bypass surgery.”

Sampson has been chronicling her weight loss since then on her Instagram page. Jarvis joined her, getting his surgery this summer. But still, she couldn’t get pregnant.

After trying for so long, Sadie and Jarvis were seriously considering just accepting the fact that they were not going to be able to conceive instead of starting the grueling process of working with an infertility doctor. Just when they were beginning to lose hope, something amazing happened.

A week after deciding she was going to put her dreams of parenthood aside, Sampson heard from a good friend of hers who had a random question for her.

“Well, a friend of mine, and her boyfriend are considering foster care or adoption for their son,” the friend said. “I told them that I thought you guys would be a great fit.”

The Sampsons said yes. They were even prepared to be only temporary foster parents for the baby, who was born prematurely. Just over a week after that phone call, a caseworker informed them that the birth mother would like them to adopt.

After agreeing to adopt, the two couples signed the necessary paperwork and Sadie and Jarvis, who are African American, became parents to a precious white baby boy named Ezra.

The day they brought their son Ezra home, Sampson told her husband, “I was just thinking about all the stuff we’ve gone through. The infertility struggles. This is the reason nothing was working out for us. God had this as part of his plan from the very beginning, and we just didn’t know it yet. Man, I’m glad he knows what we need better than we do.”

In the end, the experience lead the proud new parents to heartwarmingly conclude, “‘Grateful doesn’t even sum up how we feel to have our son. We had one plan and God changed the game completely. We found out about our son when he was 1.5 weeks old. We literally became parents overnight. Families DON’T have to match! They are built on LOVE

Source:parents.com, mother.ly, apost.com