Home relationship Never text your partner in these situations

Never text your partner in these situations

Texting your partner regularly is considered a positive quality in most relationships. But there are some situations when you are better off without messaging them. Read on to find out what they are.

1. After First Date

If you always keep making conversations every time you talk, you might come off as desperate or clingy to the other person. This negative quality might push you away from them.

2. When You Or Your Partner Is Angry

Do not message your partner when they are angry about something. You might end up saying rude things to each other, which can be very hurtful. This might create a situation where you both consider breaking up if the situation had not been blown out of proportion and if you both could have given each other the much-needed space you needed. Let yourself and your partner calm down before you can talk about the issue so that you can come up with a clear solution.

3. Keep Their Busy Schedule In Mind

People in love keep texting their partner and often ignore that their partner might be busy with something important. This can disturb them and may anger them, eventually damaging the relationship. Give each other personal space and let your partner finish their work.

4. Do not text them every time you miss them

It is ok to miss your partner now and then when you don’t get to meet them more often. But if you send them a message every time you miss them, even if there is nothing important to talk about, they might see it as if you are bugging them or appear clingy.