Home Life Never say mean words out of anger.

Never say mean words out of anger.

Never say mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent.

When you are angry, you will have negative thoughts about the person who makes you angry. It is difficult for you to keep calm avoid insulting or blaming words.

At such times, try not to say harsh words to them. Because words are spoken can not be taken back.

Your anger will pass, you will also forget what made you angry, and what you said. But your angry words can hurt the other person so that they never forget them.

Although they do not blame you, they do not want to remember your bad words. But it is like a wound leaving a permanent scar.

So when you blame someone, try not to use bad words. If you can’t, keep quiet, wait for the anger to pass before talking to them.

Always remind yourself to never hurt others.