Home Life Never ignore a person who loves you, Cares for you and misses...

Never ignore a person who loves you, Cares for you and misses you.

Never ignore a person who loves you, Cares for you and misses you. Because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.


People often don’t appreciate their loved ones because we believe that they will always be there, never leave. There are even times when we forget their existence.

Until one day, you turn around and there’s no one behind you. It means you lost them and never find again.

You start blaming for them that they change, they are sham.

You have acted wrongly, and now you continue to think wrongly. No one forever loves someone they aren’t respected. I am your choice, so why must I give you priority?

It ‘s the same as you’re just engrossed in counting stars while the moon is illuminating around you.Then you wake up at the dark night, there’s no more light you need. Life is short.

Don’t miss the last train coming home, don’t miss the one who truly loves us.