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My Husband Demands Me Apologize To Doctor After Shouting At Him During 30-hour Labor

In the throes of excruciating pain during childbirth, this woman found herself caught in an awkward moment with her doctor…

Taking to Reddit, the 28-year-old explained the challenging circumstances surrounding her labor. Here’s the full story:

Credit / Shutterstock.

“I (28f) gave birth to my baby 2 weeks ago. I was in labour for close to 30 hours and was incredibly exhausted. My doctor was great the whole way through and I never had any issues with him.

Towards the end the pain was unbearable, I couldn’t have an epidural due to a heart condition and I felt like I was on the verge of passing out from the pain.

During an awful contraction I said ‘Jesus fucking Christ’. My doctor looked at me and said ‘please don’t use the lords name in vain’. I quickly responded with ‘go fuck yourself’. My doctor didn’t say much for the remainder of the birth.

Credit / Getty.


Afterwards, my husband told me maybe I should apologise. I didn’t, but now thinking back on it maybe I should have. I feel pretty guilty and am considering sending an apology note to the hospital.

AITA for what I said?”

Obviously, many of us who have experienced painful and frustrating situations can understand how the woman must have been feeling in the moment. At the same time, it’s easy to understand the doctor’s point of view.

What do you think about this tricky situation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!