Home Life My children are my greatest love

My children are my greatest love

My children are my greatest love. Things may fall apart around us, but I find the strength to carry on because I am not just living for me. They give my life a whole new meaning, and I am so grateful.
When the child was young, the mother was very happy when her child put his small, lovely arms around her neck, put his head on her shoulder and slept tight. That hug shows pure love and absolute trust in the mother.
When the child gets older, when he is happy, he stretches his arms around his mother’s neck happily to share his joy. When he was sad, he just quietly hugged her mother so his mother can comfort him. His mother is the most reliable person that he can rely on anytime.
When the child is mature, he is even taller than the mother. Every time he comes home, he puts his arms around his mother’s neck to feel the love and care from her.
The child’s arms have changed over the time, they are bigger, more firmly, but the love that flows through them never changes. Those are the most precious jewels that the mother has ever worn on her neck.