Home Life Mother gives birth to twins just 27 days after her first son...

Mother gives birth to twins just 27 days after her first son was born

Mom Gives Birth To Single Boy Then Four Weeks Later Doctor Finds Unborn Twins In Undiscovered Second Uterus

In this story from 2019, a rare medical condition led one woman in Bangladesh to give birth to three babies, 26 days apart. It’s a story that will blow your mind and make you wonder if it could happen to you.

Arifa Sultana is a 20-year-old woman living in Bangladesh. She comes from a poor family, so it can be tough to raise one of her own. She and her husband were overjoyed when they learned she was pregnant. However, they worried if they had the financial ability to raise a child.

Her husband is a hardworking laborer who makes less than $70 per month. Despite their limited means, they were going to give this baby the best life they could.

Their joy, however, turned into shock and surprise when just 26 days later, the woman went into labor again.

She then gave birth to twins via c-section. How is this possible? Because she has something called uterus didelphys – or two uteruses.

Twenty-six days after giving birth to her son, she and her husband were at home adjusting to new parenthood. Suddenly, Arifa began to experience intense stomach pains. They went to the emergency room where the doctors discovered her second pregnancy, in her second uterus, with not just her second baby, but her third.

Arifa had been born with a rare condition known as double uterus or uterus didelphys. She had a previously unknown second uterus. And she was pregnant with twins. Her physician, Dr. Sheila Poddar told the BBC that “She had no idea that she had two other babies. We carried out a cesarean and she delivered twins, one male, and female.”

Three Healthy Babies Born

In the case of Arifa and her three babies in Bangladesh, all four are healthy and doing just fine. The twins, one boy, and one girl were born via c-section. The twins were perfectly healthy and were discharged from the hospital without issues.

Though the new family of five is happy with their three babies, this certainly has not come without its additional stress. Naturally, they are now first-time parents to three babies, not just one. More difficult are the financial pressures now placed on the family. They were already poor before having their child and knew providing for one child would be a challenge. Feeding and clothing three growing children will be something else entirely. Still, the family feels blessed.

“It was a miracle from Allah that all my children are healthy. I will try my best to keep them happy.” said Arifa’s husband.

Source:apost.com, tiffytaffy.com