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Men Will Choose To Stay Single Rather Than Fall In Love With These Types Of Women

Men Will Choose To Stay Single Rather Than Fall In Love With These Types Of Women
1. The one who has her eye on money

These women are always looking for a way to be appealing and attractive enough to catch a rich man’s eye. They’ll try getting a job just for the sake of looking educated and suitable enough for any well-to-do family. They always start expecting you to pay for all the expensive dates and dinner and will only show signs of affection when you buy her luxurious bags and gifts.

2. The one who’s always critical of everything

This type of women loves criticising anyone who’s in front of them. They are the most critical of men; if she spots a confident man, she’ll term him to be cocky and if the man is treating her well and delicately, she’ll complain of not being treated as his equal. They are judgemental of every little action and choose to find faults even in unintentional things.

3. The Clingy One

These women won’t stop at sending you 30 texts in an hour if you fail to respond for some time. They need extra care and attention from you always and will expect reassurance from you. They will cling onto the entire time and don’t really understand the concept the space in the relationship. You’ll literally get the feeling of being with a baby!

4. The Flirt

She used the most charming words, played with her hair in the most seductive way, smiled the most alluring smile, and made you go crazy for her. But wait, she does that with everybody! Yup, she is the quintessential flirt who acts as if she is interested in every guy on the planet, and not just you! Can you handle the men who will be running after her because of her antics? And do you think she’ll stick around if she finds a better prospect? Date her only if your answer to the above two questions is a “yes”.

5. The Cheater

This girl has got everything that will make you want her, but she is not a keeper. She has cheated, and most probably will cheat again. The prospect of getting someone better, makes her check out other men. Even if you are in a committed relationship, there’s no guarantee when she’ll break your trust. Save yourself all the heartbreak, stay away from this gal!

6. The Insecure Woman

She is the kind of woman who is always in a relationship. She has probably defined her life through the purview of her relationships. And being alone makes her really insecure and unhappy. She will date you just because she doesn’t want to be alone. She will freak out after every little disagreement you have, and will have the constant fear that she’ll end up alone. Ouch! For you as well as her!

This doesn’t absolve the men folk either. There are an equal, if not more, number of male types you should not date. Dating can be like a roller coaster ride, and as with any roller coaster, personal safety and well-being is paramount. So, just ensure that you do the same when it comes to dating too.