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Men find women with these 5 traits unattractive

A loving woman will always be on your side during both good and bad times, however, some women often disappoint their partners. Here are 5 traits men find unattractive in women.

1. Bitterness

The times we are living in makes it okay for some women to put men down. People are quick to shout that ‘men are trash’ when in reality it might be the men they’re going for or attracting. In short, you picked the man and you might be the one with the problem of distinguishing good from bad men.

This is interesting because the same women will still want to find someone to love them, while they’re still carrying unresolved baggage.

Being hang up on an ex who gave you character development can make you very bitter and this trait quickly repels the men you want to be with.

2. Uncleanliness

Cleanliness is one of the major things many men look at most before dating a woman. They want a woman who is neat and well organized and could to magic when it comes to organizing their house. Dating a woman who doesn’t care about her hygiene is a tragedy and often leads many men to ‘ghost’ a woman.

3. Immaturity

Men know all the games immature women play. They don’t like it when you claim to be grown yet you don’t know how to handle yourself like an adult in relationships.

Avoid the childish games that brand you as a manipulative person. It’s better to be your authentic self for a healthy drama-free relationship.

Crying, mean, remarks, throwing tantrums, emotional manipulation and threats are such a turn off to men including those who are only out to have fun.

4. Loud and Unruly

A man is just like other human beings. There are things that make men happy and at the same, there are various aspects that annoy men. Noise is one of the things that can make him lose interest easily. No man likes a woman who shouts at the top of her voice whether quarreling or cheering. It is better to be composed, all while letting your personality shine through ladies!

5. Laziness

Laziness is one of the things that many men detest most in women. A little effort goes a long way, so do not expect everything to be done for your sake, instead take interest in those around you. A little elbow grease never hurt anybody.