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Man Spends A Week Taking Care Of Toddler And The Home, Grows Resentment For His SAH Wife

In any romantic connection, remember that you are supposed to be on the same team. You’re supposed to be on the same side and support each other. However, some people view their relationships as merely transactional, which is unhealthy.

One anonymous husband went to the r/AITAH online forum for help with a delicate domestic matter. From his point of view, his wife, a stay-at-home mother, does not perform ‘enough’ housework. Many internet users were outraged by his point of view and spoke out to protect his wife. Scroll down to read what they said.

Housework and childcare can be very divisive issues and lead to some resentment between partners

One husband stunned the world by giving his opinion on his wife, who is a stay-at-home mother.

WIBTA For Telling My Wife She Needs To Do Better As a SAHM

My wife and I have a 2 year old son who she watches as a stay at home mother. I run my own Dental Practice and because of this I am able to afford to keep her as a SAHM. Her and I were not together very long before she got pregnant and I had her move in after only about a year of seeing each other. We were married exactly a week after Landon was born.

Since that time she hasn’t been the best. I’ll frequently come home to a messy house, our son will be unbathed, laundry not done, no dinner cooked. I’ve brought this up on multiple occasions and she says Landon is a handful and she doesn’t have time to get all the duties accomplished. Landon is always a piece a cake to deal with when I’m home as well as on the weekends so I never really believed her but I didn’t want to get into a fight.

Well last week she went out of state to visit her mother who is in hospice. I’ve never met her as they’ve been estranged for years so my wife and I decided it would be better to just stay at home with Landon while she is gone

I took work off to watch Landon. It’s been the easiest week of my life since I was in high school. I did the math and changing diapers averaged 20 minutes a day, cooking all meals took 40, loading the dishwasher took 10, giving him a bath was about 30 minutes a piece, cleaning took me about 25 minutes a day and he was so well behaved! We had the best time playing around and I only spent about 1 1/2 hours doing actual work.

I’m honestly really upset at this revelation that my wife basically does nothing all day while I work to provide for her and Landon.

She gets back tomorrow and frankly once she is over her mother I’m planning on telling her after living in her shoes for a week I need her to step up to the plate because the amount of effort she’s been putting in is unacceptable.

If she doesn’t do it I think I will have to leave her because I don’t feel like taking care of two children.

She is a bit younger than me, she’s 27 while I’m 33, so I understand she hasn’t grown into more mature habits, but I feel like once you become a mother who gets to stay at home and be provided for you should at least hold up your end of the deal.