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Major differences between the man who loves you and the man who doesn’t

When you are in a relationship with a man who loves you, there would always be signs that different from being with a man who doesn’t really love you.

Below are some major differences between the two.


A man who loves his woman would value her opinion, irrespective of whether he likes her opinion or not. He respects his woman enough to value whatever opinion she has and this is a far cry from a man who doesn’t love you. A man who doesn’t love you wouldn’t even take your opinion seriously.


Listening shows love and respect to a certain extent. Believe it or not, it’s hard to listen to someone you don’t have genuine love and affection for. A man who loves you would listen to you even when he doesn’t want to; he would listen to whatever you have to say, and he would always be that person you can always talk to. A man who loves you would provide a listening ear, but a man who doesn’t love you would always be too busy to do that.


When a man loves you, he would give you his attention, create time for you and be there for you, and would find a way to create time for you even when he’s busy. But a man who doesn’t love you wouldn’t give you his attention; you would beg for it but to no avail.


Care and affection are important in love. A man who loves you would look for pocket of ways to show you that he cares about you; he would try to be affectionate to you and would make you feel loved even after he has won your heart.

A man who doesn’t love you would stop being so kind, sweet and affectionate soon after he has won your heart.


A man who is in love with a woman truly takes his relationship with her serious; he doesn’t take her for granted and he doesn’t treat the relationship like he doesn’t care. But a man who doesn’t love a woman would be nonchalant in the relationship; he would make tons of mistakes and wouldn’t even care.


A man in love respects his woman’s opinion, respects her body and respects her role in his life. He wouldn’t treat her with disrespect and he would value her. A man who doesn’t love a woman doesn’t even know what respect means.


A loving man sees the need to communicate with her; he doesn’t go days without talking to his woman, he doesn’t do things without telling her — he makes her a huge part of his life and he makes communication an integral part of the relationship.

For a man who doesn’t love a woman, he would be too nonchalant to even communicate effectively with her.

A man who loves you is ten times better to be with than a man who doesn’t love you.