Home Quiz Let’s Evaluate Your Math Skills: Can You Solve This Difficult Equation?

Let’s Evaluate Your Math Skills: Can You Solve This Difficult Equation?

Everyday math can be very useful in calculating tip percentages or the amount of discount you might get at a sale.

You might not need trigonometry or algebra every single day, but basic arithmetic is extremely useful outside of a classroom. It’s good to exercise your math skills so you can keep up with the everyday math you might need. Why don’t you give it a try below.

Not so fast! Make sure you have made the right choices in getting to your solution. Scroll down if you want a hint.






Ready for your hint? Remember your PEMDAS order of operations.

What do you think the answer is? 2 or 18?

If you used the PEMDAS rule you would have to do the question in the parentheses first, which is 5 – 2, which equals 3.

Then you must shift over to the left equation and do 12 ÷ 2= 6.

Then you have to multiply 6 x 3 which equals 18 and there is your answer!