Home Health Lady, Next Time You Have Breast Tenderness You’ll Need One Of These...

Lady, Next Time You Have Breast Tenderness You’ll Need One Of These 8 Home Remedies!

Breast pain and tenderness is a common symptom of women. Simple things like putting on a shirt or jogging can cause sharp pain. This may be a new occurrence or a long-recurring cycle from decades of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Whatever the case may be, it is helpful to know the best home remedies for alleviating symptoms.

1. Hot or cold compress.

If you discover that your breasts are tender as your hormones fluctuate, “Top 10 Home Remedies” recommends using either a hot or cold compress, whichever gives the most relief. For the cold, you can use ice wrapped in a towel or a bag of frozen veggies. The heat can be a hot water bottle or a towel soaked in hot water.

2. Relax.

Stress can contribute to hormone fluctuation which causes breast tenderness. The Mayo Clinic says to try some relaxation techniques to help reduce your stress: a hot bath, Yoga or going for a run.

3. Support.

Another way to help with the discomfort is to make sure you’re wearing a bra that has proper support. “Reader’s Digest” also recommends wearing a sports bra for any strenuous activity that might cause your breasts to be bounced around too much.

4. Decaf.

Many women forget that caffeine can contribute to fibrocystic breast tissue. The Mayo Clinic recommends cutting back on the caffeine if you discover you’re having discomfort.

5. Diet.

Another simple solution might be altering your diet. Switching to a low-fat, high complex carbohydrate diet is recommended by “best health”. Add in plenty of fruits, vegetables and legumes as well.

6. Vitamin E.

The Mayo Clinic also says that vitamin E may give some relief. It says that 200 IU taken two times a day appears to give relief.

7. Soy.

Another diet tip given by “best health” is adding soy. Soy contains phytoestrogens which may help as you near your period or menopause.

8. Evening primrose oil.

“Top 10 Home Remedies” says that rubbing evening primrose oil into the sore areas may give some relief. It’s supposed to help balance the fatty tissues. Rub in a circular motion. Apply it twice a day.

Source: home-tricks.info