Home Life Ladies, take note! These 7 things make your man bored with your...

Ladies, take note! These 7 things make your man bored with your relationship

Ladies, take note! These 7 things make your man bored with your relationship

There could be any number of reasons why a man might lose interest in his girlfriend or wife. However, it likely has very little to do with you and much more to do with the lack of excitement, thrill, passion, romance, and spontaneity in your relationship.

If you want to make sure that your relationship lasts, then you should familiarize yourself with the major reasons why men in relationships get bored so you will be able to find ways to prevent this from happening.

1. Boring Dates.

Dates should always be fun and exciting, especially in the beginning. If he gets bored on a date with you, then he isn’t going to want to go out with you again. Make sure that you can carry a conversation and let him talk about himself.

2. You can’t carry a conversation.

A lot of men have issues with women because they can’t talk to each other on date. Technology has stinted our growth. If you have to work too hard to talk to someone, it might not be meant to be. Remember, if you aren’t enjoying yourself, you could be with someone else.

3. You come on too strong.

It can be exciting to be with someone that you really vibe with, so you start planning out a future. However, guys like to pursue you, so you shouldn’t be so aggressive. Make sure you give him space to breathe and miss you.

4. He has things in his life to focus on.

Most men have hobbies and large circles of friends. So, he has other things that compete with you in his life. Even if your man is a little distracted by his life, he will make time for you if you’re important to him.

5. He’s found someone more interesting.

This isn’t your fault. If the person in your life has moved onto someone else, they were never meant to be with you in the first place. You deserve to be with someone that values you and thinks that you’re interesting. You shouldn’t have to work to hold someone’s attention.

6. He’s gone through a life changing experience.

If your partner has gone through personal issues, it can change their relationship needs. You could be there to support them, but they could still choose to be alone or go with someone else.

7. Everything is too easy.

Some guys enjoy chasing you and games. If you are too available, then he could move onto someone else. Again, this is a game that a lot of daters play. The older you get, the more you realize that you shouldn’t have to be a challenge all the time.

Sources: lookupquotes.com, pairedlife.com