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Ladies, No Man Is Worth Giving Up These 6 Following Things, No Matter How Much You Care About Him

Being in love is one of the most beautiful and amazing experiences that you can have. You feel as if no one can ruin your happiness and your partner becomes the most important person in your life. But love shouldn’t be the only thing that matters to you in life (no matter what they told you in movies or in books).

Real life is something completely different and sometimes you have to do things that are necessary in order to preserve the balance. There should be a strict line between love and other things in your life because otherwise it is easy to lose yourself and neglect other equally important aspects of life.

Your partner has to understand this. And if he doesn’t, then simply put, he’s not the right one for you. A real man would never force his woman to abandon her job, career, and dreams just so she can be with him. A real man understands the need to have a life outside of their relationship. Instead of forcing his partner to make a decision, he should encourage her to stay true to herself.

That’s why you should never give up the following things for a man, no matter how much you care about him.

1. Your career

What a modern idea! Believe it or not, you don’t have to sacrifice your career in order to have a thriving love life. It’s entirely possible for a woman to work in the daytime and spend quality time with her man in the evening. If your partner tries to convince you to quit a job you adore, you should leave him before you leave your job.

2. Your friends

You should never take your friends for granted once you’re in a relationship or start dating someone you really like.

Remember that your friends were there for you when he wasn’t and you are not obliged to spend all your free time with him.

If he starts complaining that you’re spending more time with your friends instead of him, even though you know that this isn’t true, don’t fall for that trick.

Listen to your gut and stay genuine to your beliefs, regardless of what he says to you. Because giving up on your friends for love should never be a question.

3. Your morals

If you’re against ᴅʀᴜɢ ᴜsᴇ, don’t date someone who pressures you to smoke pot. If you’re a strong supporter of animal rights, don’t date someone who buys you a mink coat. You don’t have to have the same exact morals as your man does, but you shouldn’t give up your beliefs in order to support his.

4. Your independence

Even though most of us are still living in a patriarchal society, that doesn’t mean you need to give up your independence once you start a romantic relationship with someone.

Always take care of yourself both mentally and physically. Yes, you can rely on your partner to help you whenever you feel tired, but that doesn’t mean you should be completely dependent on him.

Some women make the mistake of not even bothering to find a job if their partner is earning lots of money.

This is wrong, since there’ll be times where you’ll have to survive on your own and your partner won’t be there to lend you a hand.

Keeping your independence is crucial if you want to take care of your well-being and keep your soul and heart satisfied.

5. Your identity

Don’t change your personality in order to impress your partner, either. After all, opposites attract. That means you don’t have to paint your face blue and cheer for the Rangers just because he’s a hockey fan. You can take cat naps when the games are on, instead.

6. Your style

If you’re going to get plastic surgery, or even do something as simple as buy a new dress, do it because it’s what you want to do. You shouldn’t change your style in order to impress him. Looks aren’t everything, and if he thinks they are, then you should find yourself someone a little less shallow.