Home Health Ladies! Here’s one major reason guys suddenly stop showing interest in you...

Ladies! Here’s one major reason guys suddenly stop showing interest in you after some time

Ladies! Here’s one major reason guys suddenly stop showing interest in you after some time

1. When a guy suddenly catches a cold with you, it’s usually not even about you!

Many women are all too familiar with men coming on the scene, showing all the interest, sending endless messages, giving compliments, and following it all up with more attention.

After all the work and effort to get attention, what follows is a disappearing act beyond that of a magician. After all the heat shown at the beginning to get noticed, what they do next is go cold turkey – no more calls, no more attention. Everything is brought to a sudden stop!

Of course, for many women who have experienced this, it is simultaneously confusing, annoying, frustrating, exhausting, and totally inexplicable.

2. It’s all up to him, not you.

This is so because some men date for sport. In other words, they only do it for fun. They do it for boredom. Fooling a woman with words and effort, wooing her, showing her interest, and doing all those things that count as significant efforts…. They do it just for fun.

The confusion when men do disappearing acts often leaves women thinking they possibly did wrong to push them away. When they get tired of the thrill. Usually after getting their complete attention and sometimes sex, they withdraw.

The Internet either subsides until it disappears or the ghost disappears completely.

So if you’re sure it’s not something you did, and he’s not even giving you a chance to find out why he suddenly stopped showing interest, then there’s really nothing you can do and it’s about time you stopped worrying about him and let him go.

Sometimes , women always rush to accept proposals from men just because they are nice , drive their own cars and can talk nice without knowing that they are selling their hearts to their own broken heart. So please be careful, not all guys are meant for a relationship. They just came to live to destroy your natural beauty .

So ladies be careful….!

Source:pulse.ng, gh.opera.news