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Ladies, 8 Sweet Ways To Do For Your Man That Make Him Feel Happy and Loved

Ladies, 8 Sweet Ways To Do For Your Man That Make Him Feel Happy and Loved

1. Compliment him.

Men also like to be told they look good, smell good, are hot, smart, or sexy. So let him know when you see him and just get that oh my gosh you are so hot tingle. Tell him the good stuff when it occurs to you.

2. Tell him you appreciate what he does for you and your family.

All men love being appreciated and thanked for the deeds they do. All you need to do is say a ‘thank you’ or ‘honey, you’re the best!’ to make his day! Let him know that you appreciate what he does. These are some of the small things you can do to make your husband happy.

3. Make time for things to get hot in the bedroom.

The best intimacy feels transcendent, mutual, connected, steamy, and dreamy—so keep it sacred and intense for both of you. Making him feel like you really crave him, and him reciprocating, will probably make both your lives happier.

4. Be supportive of his alone time.

Unless he’s so absorbed in his alone time that you disappear from his priorities, your separateness is a good thing! Smile when he says he’s off to do the things that make him happy on his own. He’ll feel seen, heard, and supported.

5. Put down your phone.

Men love having their wives’ undivided attention when spending quality time together. Be in the moment when you’re with the person you love. Try not to let it slip by while you stare at a screen.

6. When you get something for yourself, get something for him, too.

Picking up a coffee? Grab him one! Making a cup of tea? Offer to make him one, too.

7. Look him in the eyes.

Just take a moment to connect, look him in the eye with a smile or a playful expression, and hold his gaze for three seconds. It makes the other person feel like the only one in the room. He may be your boyfriend or husband now, but he still deserves to feel special.

8. Shared interests

To win your husband over, get interested in what interests him. Once you cater to these basic needs of your husband it also gives you a chance to bond with him openly. If you cannot bring yourself to love these, Allow him to go out with his friends for beer and football. Simply listening to him while he talks about an upcoming football or cricket match can make all the difference!