Home Celebrity King Charles’s heartbreaking six-word remark to can.cer patients days before hospital trip

King Charles’s heartbreaking six-word remark to can.cer patients days before hospital trip

Buckingham Palace said Thursday night that the King had been briefly hospitalised due to side effects from his usual can.cer treatment.

The King is said to be back at Clarence House and has postponed his engagements in Birmingham, which were originally scheduled for Friday.

The revelation comes only days after King Charles paid a visit to the Pharmacy and Pharmacology department at Ulster University’s Coleraine campus in Northern Ireland, where he offered guidance on living with the disease.

The monarch told fellow can.cer patients during the visit in a sorrowful six-word statement: “You just have to push on.”

Speaking to another can.cer survivor, he asked, “What is Winston Churchill saying? Keep buggering on!”

Following the announcement at 9 p.m., a Buckingham Palace official stated: “His Majesty was scheduled to receive credentials from the ambassadors of three separate nations this afternoon.

“Tomorrow, he was due to undertake four public engagements in Birmingham and is greatly disappointed to be missing them on this occasion.

“He very much hopes that they can rescheduled in due course and offers his deepest apologies to all those who had worked so hard to make the planned visit possible.”