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Kate Middleton was ‘desperately unhappy’ and felt William ‘cheapened her image’ with their split in 2007

The Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate Middleton, are one of the world’s most powerful couples. Kate is a much-loved member of the Royal Family, and her relationship with William began when they were both students at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

Kate remembered that when they initially met through common acquaintances, she flushed bright crimson and ran away, feeling quite embarrassed about meeting you.

“William wasn’t there for quite a bit of the time initially, he wasn’t there from Fresher’s Week, so it did take a bit of time for us to get to know each other.”

According to the documentary The Day Will and Kate Got Married, which premiered in April 2021, the two were simply close friends at first, but one night changed everything. Kate donned a transparent dress to a student fashion show, which wowed the Prince, and the rest is history.

“A switch had been flicked, he suddenly saw her in a different light, and I really believe that was the turning point in their relationship,” Vanity Fair’s royal correspondent, Katie Nicholl, said in the documentary.

According to The Telegraph, Prince William stated: “We were friends for over a year at first, and it just sort of blossomed from there.” We just spent more time together, had a nice laugh, and discovered we shared similar interests.”

And, just when everyone was expecting a royal wedding, the couple parted in 2007.

When asked about their breakup, Kate and William both said it was beneficial because it let them to “find themselves.” Kate even said that “you can get quite consumed by a relationship when you’re younger,” according to The Telegraph.

They reconnected in 2008, and William proposed to Kate in 2010 while on a vacation to Kenya, using his late mother’s engagement ring.

However, a recently discovered piece by the Mail from 2007 provided a fuller picture of what transpired during their breakup. Kate felt William was “cheapening her image” by partying in London nightclubs and dating new females. According to royal journalists Laura Collins, Katie Nicholl, and Ian Gallagher, William and Kate exchanged “harsh words” when she felt humiliated by his actions.

“Kate had had enough and words were exchanged. Kate told William that he was making her look bad. She has coped for years with girls flinging themselves at her boyfriend and for a while she found it humorous and even flattering.”

According to royal analysts, neither William nor Kate had entire control over their breakup. According to royal analyst Christopher Anderson, family members were interested in what was going on between the pair, including William’s stepmother Camilla.

Other experts, however, believe that the separation was just the result of Kate’s worry.

The fact is that we’ll never know for sure what transpired between the Prince and Princess of Wales in 2007.

“A few people noticed because it’s a pretty unusual thing to do. She’d deliberately gone outside to take the call because she didn’t want to be overheard,” the unnamed colleague told the Mirror, claiming Kate was visibly upset.

“Kate was walking up and down and looking upset as if she was having an argument. But she didn’t cry. It was clear that she was talking to William on the phone, because her behaviour was so unusual. When she came back to the office she didn’t say a thing and disappeared for the rest of the day. She hasn’t been back to work since.”

The good news is that the two were able to work things out. William and Kate married on April 29, 2011, and celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary this year with stunning family photographs.

One thing is certain: they are madly in love with one another and form an incredible couple.