Home Health If your undergarments show these signs, change them immediately before they affect...

If your undergarments show these signs, change them immediately before they affect your health

Undergarments are almost unnoticeable as they are worn inside, so, people may not pay attention to them the way they do to their clothes.

If you are not yet sure when to change your undergarments, then you need to read carefully.

1. When it begins to have different shapes

If your undergarments begin to have different shapes, then it’s a sign that they need to be changed. It could be the cup of your bra or your pantyhose.

2. Odor

If your underwear still stinks after you’ve washed it, then nobody has to remind you to replace it. Odor can mostly come from the presence of microorganisms, and this is a hallmark of poor hygiene.

3. Create horrible panty lines

Even though there are ways to get rid of panty lines, there are undergarments that always create horrible panty lines. It’s time to do away with them.

4. Undersized

Undersized undergarments can irritate the skin. When worn for long, the fabric shrinks, making it smaller in size. For bras, the band may begin to lie horizontally.

5. Unwashable stains

When your undergarments breed stains that have stayed for so long, it may be a sign that you need to change them. Prolonged stains are not good to behold.

6. They have lost their original colour.

Over time, underwear tends to lose its original colour, this could be due to certain factors such as frequent washing, sweating, use of harsh detergents, or stains that are difficult to remove. You can prevent underwear discoloration by getting them in bulk so that you don’t wear one pair of underwear too often.

7. There’s a tear

When you wear lightweight clothes, there’s a slim chance people would be able to see your underwear, and you don’t want them to see a tear do you? Torn underwear needs to be replaced or sewn if you can manage.