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If Your Man Stopped Doing These 9 Things, Chances Are He’s Falling Out Of Love

If Your Man Stopped Doing These 9 Things, Chances Are He’s Falling Out Of Love
1. He stopped giving you compliments on the way you look.

A relationship needs not only emotional but also physical attraction. In the beginning, they would tell you how beautiful or handsome you look but with time they really don’t seem to notice you at all. They just don’t seem to have any attraction left for you anyway.

2. He stopped putting effort into making the relationship work.

Obviously, you two will not be together anymore. They aren’t bothered about the fights and they have no enthusiasm left to resolve the conflicts. They have slowly started to accept the end is near.

3. He stopped caring for you.

You feel that they don’t seem to care any longer. You can get that vibe from that. Those sparks in their eyes are gone. The smile has faded away already. It’s becoming so evident that you’re getting a hint of it too.

4. He stopped communicating.

When communication starts dying, the relationship dies too.

If you and your partner communicate rarely, it means that the spark is no more. Your partner lacks interest in talking to you and if they can’t communicate, they can’t live with you either.

5. He stopped acting regardless of the way you feel about their actions.

They don’t care if their actions are hurting you or not. They will do whatever they want and in the end, if they hurt you, they aren’t bothered.

They aren’t sorry for their actions because they have lost interest in you.

6. He stopped giving you attention.

They don’t care how you’re feeling. They don’t care if you had a bad day at work. They hurt you without feeling guilty.

It doesn’t matter to them where you are and what are you doing. They don’t seem to invest their time in you. They have no longer give attention to you.

7. He stopped initiating conversations.

They hardly talk to you. They don’t care to talk to you at all. You are the one who always starts the conversations and they seem to be disinterested in continuing them.

8. He stopped craving your physical presence.

They stop craving for your physical presence anymore. They aren’t bothered if you are around at all.

They are no longer excited if you come and meet them somewhere. They tend to treat you like a ghost when you’re around.

9. He stopped initiating physical intimacy.

Kisses or hugs … forget them! Making out? That’s a forgotten past.

They don’t feel s3xually attracted towards you anymore. The moment physical relationship comes to an end, it’s an indication the relationship will end soon too.