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If Your Man Still Does These Things After A Fight, It Proves He Loves You So Much

If Your Man Still Does These Things After A Fight, It Proves He Loves You So Much
1. He wants to talk about what happened with you

This is one of the surest signs that he loves you very much.

In the aftermath of a fight, it can be tempting to sweep the issue under the rug and pretend it never happened. That might seem like the more comfortable route to take, but it definitely isn’t the most productive.

But if he is willing to talk about what happened with you, it means he cares about your feelings and wants to make sure that things are resolved between the two of you.

2. He still wants to spend time together

If your man still wants to spend time with you after a fight, he likely truly loves you.

However, if he is trying to avoid you or limit his time with you, don’t jump to any conclusions, either.

Some men just need their time alone to cool off and process what happened.

3. He doesn’t avoid the topic of the fight

Does he avoid it and act like nothing happened?

Or maybe he gets defensive or tries to change the subject when you bring it up?

If he openly talks about the topic of the fight, then it’s a good sign that he still loves you.

It means that, he knows the conversation may get uncomfortable again, but it is worth it for him to work this out and move on.

3. He apologizes for his role in the fight

This is an important step in moving on because it shows that your partner is willing to put himself into a vulnerable position.

Saying sorry can be difficult, so he may not do it right away.

But if he does eventually apologize, take note of it, and don’t forget what he said.

This apology could signal that he’s working to fix the relationship.

You see, when you think you are correct, it takes a lot to admit that it always takes two people to fight.

However, that’s the mature and healthy stance to take.

4. He tries to make it up to you by doing something nice

If he does something nice for you after a fight, it’s usually a sign that he still loves you.

For example, if he makes your favorite dinner or treats you to your favorite movie, then it’s very likely that he’s making amends and trying to show that he cares about you.

He may not be the best at expressing his feelings, but he’s trying to do whatever he can to make up for what he did.

Some people apologize with words, others prefer actions.

Even if you are still waiting for a proper apology, try to take his actions into consideration!

5. He doesn’t blame it all on you

This is a sign that he loves you and cares about the relationship.

If your partner wants to make up and fix the relationship, then he will take responsibility for his actions.

6) He asks you to forgive him

If your partner is trying to work on the relationship after a fight, it’s a good sign that he still loves you.

Another way to look at this is if he apologizes right away.

You see, if his first reaction after a fight is to try and make up and apologize, then there’s a good chance he still loves you and wants the relationship to continue.

Think about it: asking for forgiveness can be a really difficult task.

If he asks you to forgive him, it means that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make up and wants the relationship to continue.