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If You Want To Stay Healthy, Stop Touching These 6 Parts Of Your Body With Your Hands

If You Want To Stay Healthy, Stop Touching These 6 Parts Of Your Body With Your Hands

Your daily habit has a vast impact on the health of your body. The part of the body known as the hand is used to touch different surfaces that may be germ-free or may carry germs. When it happens that the surface you have touched contains germs, and you use the same hand to touch some of your body parts, you end up infecting yourself.

The only condition that allows you to touch some of your body parts is when your hands are thoroughly washed with water, soap or sanitizer, these will give you the assurance that your hands are germ free.

1. Your ears

You should never stick your fingers or anything else in your ears. Inserting anything into the ear canal can tear the thin skin that lines the ear canal. If it itches, you can carefully use a cotton swab or a napkin and scratch gently to avoid serious complications. Try your best to keep your eyes healthy.

2. Your face

You can only use your hands to wash your face and also apply skin care to it. Other than this, keep your hands away from your face. When you rest your hands to touch a surface with germs and then use them to touch your face, it triggers the risk of getting sick and getting pimples, too.

3. Your mouth

Using your hands to touch your mouth is a major risk. For those of you who cut nails with your teeth, stop this immediately. Your mouth is the last place you should stick your hands. all those germs you will pick up from places will end up in your mouth if you do. This act can cause various infections, so avoid it.

4. Your eyes

Using your hands to touch your eyes causes bacteria or germs to get into your eyes. These germs can cause pink eye. Always use a handkerchief to clean your eyes and also visit your doctor when you notice any symptoms of eye problems.

5. Your nose

Removing mucus from your nose with the help of your hands is not hygienic, a clean handkerchief should be used instead. Your hands can carry germs that can be harmful to your health.

6. Your bottom

You can use your hand to clean and wash your anus after visiting the bathroom and make sure to wash the hand you used to do so. Aside from washing your anus, it is very unhealthy to pick up your butt. The anus contains bacteria that can make you sick. The only guarantee that will make you touch your anus is when you defecate or touch your butt for any other important reason, wash your hands thoroughly.

ng.opera.news, nationaldailyng.com, sleekgist.com