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If You Hear These 6 These Romantic Phrases From Him, You Have Reason To Worry, It Can Be Potentially Dαngєrσus

If You Hear These 6 These Romantic Phrases From Him, You Have Reason To Worry, It Can Be Potentially Dαngєrσus

1. “I can not live without you.”

It sounds very nice. You are lucky that he is so madly in love with you. But that probably means you’re the center of his universe. Do you think he will let you go easily if you suddenly decide to leave? Or, more likely, he will simply become unbearably jealous, want to control everything in your life and will not let you go almost anywhere alone?

2. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

This is great. But not if you’ve just started dating – then it’s a bad sign. A great phrase, but only if you already know each other well. In case you’re just starting a relationship it’s just… embarrassing. Another option is that the man wants something from you at any cost and says these words with the sole purpose of getting what he wants.

3. “I’m not good enough for you.”

After all, this man finally sees and appreciates your true worth. And he is aware of his shortcomings. But is his self-esteem too low? If he is emotionally insecure, then sooner or later he will start projecting his complexes onto you.

4. “I want to be together every day.”

Hit the jackpot? Perhaps. Or is it just that this man doesn’t have a life of his own outside of your relationship? Or does he want to control you completely? Keep one thing in mind.

5. “Only you can save me.”

Maybe you think of yourself as a super woman who can solve all the problems and help this person. But, unfortunately, this is nothing but an attempt at emotional manipulation. Even if you want to leave it, you will feel obligated to stay. He seems to put his life and the responsibility for it on your shoulders. At that, completely consciously.

6. “I love you, but in my own way.”

In fact, he just doesn’t love you enough, so he hides behind such a pompous phrase. Be sure – if a man really loves you, you will feel it. You will definitely feel it. So don’t fall for this cheap manipulation.