Home Spirituality If you have any of these 7 signs you are an angel...

If you have any of these 7 signs you are an angel in training

If you have any of these 7 signs you are an angel in training

Each of us is an ANGEL in training, here to evolve and discover our true identity, which we really are, as well as the real reason why we are here on Earth. This is our spiritual goal, to discover and develop the divine powers we all have within.

Here are 7 signs that reveal you might be an Angel in Training and are on your way

1. Your thirst for knowledge is immeasurable.

You keep on accumulating knowledge every day of your life. You are passionate about learning. You love learning about spirituality, science and the nature especially! This is what makes you different from others.

2. Your mood changes drastically.

Your mood changes quite frequently. One day, you’re up and sense life and light. The next, you’re down, sad and drained of energy. One day you are spiritually aware with a high clarity of mind, another day you can’t concentrate on anything!

3. You frequently see repetitive numbers.

Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night, or sometimes during the day seeing repeating numbers, like 111, 333, 555.

4. You have endless questions that pop up in your mind.

You are always trying to figure out the answers for these questions. You can’t let a question stay unanswered even though some of them are really hard philosophical things people spent their whole lives answering. Some of your friends, who are not engrossed with the same activity as yours, seem to get by alright. You then wonder, who is much happier: them or you?

5. You foresee events.

You somehow know things you’ve never read anywhere simply through your intuitive knowledge.

6. You feel some discrepancies.

You always sense that something’s not right. This makes you think, it might be your fault or others, though, you don’t understand why you feel it in the first place. Like something is just not right with reality and it’s you who needs to fix it.

7. You want to be right and just all the time.

This makes you too intense at times and feel not enough at other times. It’s like you are here to establish justice, and no matter how small it is, you value it far above anything else.