Home Funny If you find your man deletes his text messages, here’s what it...

If you find your man deletes his text messages, here’s what it means for your relationship

There are a few different reasons why your guy might delete his text messages. He could be trying to hide something from you, or he could simply be trying to avoid an argument. Let’s take a closer look at each of these possibilities.

1. He’s Trying to Hide Something from You

Maybe he’s been texting another woman and he doesn’t want you to find out. Or maybe he’s been making plans with his friends that don’t involve you. Either way, this is a sign that he’s not being completely honest with you and it’s something you should talk to him about.

2. He’s Trying to Avoid an Argument

This is another possibility. Maybe he knows you’ll get upset if you see certain things in his text history. Or maybe he’s just trying to keep the peace by not having any evidence of what he’s been up to. Either way, this isn’t a healthy way to communicate and it’s something you should address with him.

3. He Doesn’t Want You to See His Messages

Your guy simply doesn’t want you to see his text messages. This could be for any number of reasons – maybe he doesn’t want you snooping through his phone, or maybe he just doesn’t.

4. He is concealing his cheating

The most common reason or the first suspicion that arises when people delete chat history is obviously cheating. So if your partner is two-timing you or has a casual fling going on, they are obviously going to clear their chats, messages and calls.

5. He is hiding healthy flirting

The debate about whether flirting can be healthy will always continue. However, a lot of people enjoy the attention of an old friend or colleague hitting on them or like to get a little flirty with a new colleague or intern. So to avoid trouble, people delete their messages and chats.