Home Spirituality If You Experience Any Of These 7 Things, They Are The Signs...

If You Experience Any Of These 7 Things, They Are The Signs Of A Ghostly Presence In Your Home

If You Experience These 7 Things, They Are The Signs Of A Ghostly Presence In Your Home

1. Knocks at the door in the middle of the night (but no one is there.)

This is the first sign. Many people who are going through a haunting have heard knocks on their door in the middle of the night. Upon going to the door and answering the knock, they notice that no one is there. However, they know without a shadow of a doubt that they heard a knock.

2. Objects are moved.

When objects are moved, this is an obvious sign of a ghostly presence.

Some people have even caught this on tape, and watching the videos can be quite frightening. Amid my haunting, cabinet doors would be opened, and objects I knew had been in one place were found in another.

3. Electronics glitch out at random.

According to demonologists and paranormal experts, ghosts are energetic beings, much like ourselves. However, because they have passed on, they don’t create the energy, they have to tap into sources to be able to manifest and move around. If you are sensing something is around you, and your lights start blinking, only to return to normal, then it’s likely you have a ghost trying to make contact.

4. Strange scents that don’t belong.

This one can go many different ways. Some report pleasant smells that remind them of their loved ones that have passed, but others say they smell something rotten. The main difference here is that a positive spirit will likely smell pleasant, whereas a poltergeist will smell putrid, almost like sulpher.

5. Pets acting strange.

Much like children, or adults that are being targeted by a specific ghost, animals can sense spirits. However, dogs can see them much more clearly. You can scour the internet for paranormal videos, and in many of them, animals can be seen randomly acting strangely for no reason at all, barking, hiding in the corner, and even attacking the air.

6. A feeling that someone is watching you.

The majority of people who experience a haunting explain that they felt like something was watching them when it began.

7. Strange sounds at random.

Some say they hear people talking, while others report hearing music that is coming from no known source. Others even hear babies crying, animals making sounds, or strange scratching, however, when they investigate, they cannot find a source.