Home Life I will always need my children. They made me laugh, cry, made...

I will always need my children. They made me laugh, cry, made me proud, drove me crazy. They are my friend forever.

I will always need my children. They made me laugh, cry, made me proud, drove me crazy. They are my friend forever.

Children are the greatest and most wonderful asset that every mother has.

You and I have been through the life time together. Now or later, I always need you by my side.

You bring me laughs and warmly happy smiles. When you were brought to life and you cried, I was burst into tears because of happiness.

When you first called “Mommy”, how cheerful I was at that time. There are also many times I cried because of you.

When you were sick, I feel so bad that I wish I could suffer the pain for you.

When you were mad at me because I did not agree with what you did, I feel so sad and broken.

When you grow up, you became the proud of the whole family.

When you know how to behave, I am so proud that I am your mother.

You, who bring me a lot of surprises and experiences in my life that I know only you can do it.

You are not just my kids, you mean the whole world to me and you are my friend forever.