Home Life I learned to give

I learned to give

I learned to give. Not because I have much. But, because I know exactly how it feels to have nothing.

I am not a rich person of materials. I am also not good at dealing with my own problems and other people’s problems. I was not born with a sweetheart.

But I learned how to give. I learned to share the things I could, to help those around me with the best of my ability, and learn to love people.

Because I’ve experienced and understood the feeling of being empty and helpless when I have nothing in my hand. That’s when I didn’t have enough money to make ends meet. When relatives and friends need help, there is nothing I can do. And when I am in my loneliness, there is no one could share and listen to me.

Those feelings are not comfortable at all. Even though I got through it, I don’t want anyone else to experience that feeling. I want to make it up for everyone’s shortcomings, as long as I can.