Home Life I don’t mind getting older but my body is taking it badly.

I don’t mind getting older but my body is taking it badly.

I don’t mind getting older but my body is taking it badly.

My spirit and soul are still very young, regardless of my age. Yet my body does not live the same age as my soul.

I still want to work hard, regardless of day or night. Unfortunately now my hands are not healthy, my legs are unsteady and my back is painful. My younger co-workers told me it was time for retirement, and that I should step back and rest.

I love driving my motorbike all over the country, through hills, rivers and lakes. My beloved motorbike is still as strong as ever. But its owner now is my 20-year-old grandson.

I also love taking my wife to places she wants to go, looking at the clouds and dreaming about life.

The thing is, she’s the same old as I am, and she can not go anywhere. But that’s okay, for me, she’s still my little princess.

I don’t mind getting older but my body is taking it badly.