Home Life I am very extroverted around people that bring me peace

I am very extroverted around people that bring me peace

Said The Empath I used to think I was introverted because I really liked being alone, but it turns out that I just like being at peace, and I am very extroverted around people that bring me peace.

I used to hate crowded places, or having many friends. I also did not like to hang out, to talk to people. I thought I was an introvert, because I felt most comfortable when I was alone.

Later, I realized, what I really wanted was peace. I refused the relationships in order to avoid possible troubles. When I was alone, I was definitely peaceful.

Until I met true friends. We had fun together, and we shared sorrows together.

We have had sympathy with each other, listened, shared, helped each other anytime, anywhere. I can tell everything to them. I am also willing to be with them in difficult times.

When I am with them, I am an extrovert. I always want to meet and chat with them. Because they give me the feeling of peace.