Home Health How To Remove Mucus And Phlegm From Your Throat And Chest Instantly

How To Remove Mucus And Phlegm From Your Throat And Chest Instantly

How To Remove Mucus And Phlegm From Your Throat And Chest Instantly

What is phlegm?

Phlegm is that thick, sticky stuff that hangs around in the back of your throat when you’re sick. At least that’s when most people notice it. But did you know that you have this mucus all the time?

Mucus membranes make phlegm to protect and support your respiratory system. These membranes line your:

  • mouth
  • nose
  • throat
  • sinuses
  • lungs

Mucus is sticky so that it can trap dust, allergens, and viruses. When you’re healthy, the mucus is thin and less noticeable. When you’re sick or exposed to too many particles, the phlegm can get thick and become more noticeable as it traps these foreign substances.

Phlegm is a healthy part of your respiratory system, but if it’s making you uncomfortable, you may want to find ways to thin it or remove it from your body.

Keep reading to learn about some natural remedies and over-the-counter medicines, and when you may want to see your doctor.

1. Honey and Lemon

The strong properties of lemon and honey most definitely when it comes to being antifungal and antibacterial can eliminate complications presented by virus and bacteri. This mixture should definitely be your go- to remedey to relieve the respiratory tract and sooth coughing. On top of that, the lemon contains Vitamin C, which prevents congestion and boosts the immune system tremendously. Therefore, the acidity of the lemon breaks down the mucus.
Instructions on how to prepare the Honey and Lemon Mixture:

You will need these ingredients:

  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice
  • One tablespoon of organic honey

Preparation method:

Mix the lemon juice and the organic honey in a bowl. Take it 3 times per day in order to relieve infections and prevent congestion.

2. Ginger

Ginger is a plant represents a beneficial antihistamine and natural decongestant that contains antiviral, antibacterial and expectorant properties. The ginger root can ease throat and chest clogging by getting rid of the phlegm. For general health maintenance and for treating respiratory infections purposes, you should either drink a several cups of ginger root or consume 3 – 4 slices of ginger on a day to day basis.

Instructions on how to prepare the ginger tea:

You will need these ingredients:

  • 6 – 7 ginger slices
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • A teaspoon of peppercorn
  • Two cups of water

Preparation method:

Boil the water and add the peppercorn and the slices of ginger in a saucepan. When the water starts to boil, cover it and leave it to boil for a good minute.After that, let the mixture simmer on a medium heat for about 5 – 7 minutes. Finally, leave the mixture to cool and then add organic honey. If you aim to prevent congestion and stop breathing difficulties entirely, you must consume 2 – 3 cups of ginger on a regular basis.

3. Steam Inhalation

One of the most efficient home remedies for preventing chest congestion and eliminating mucus is Steam inhalation. It is undeniable that steaming will aid you in restraining clogged mucus. For better results, you can opt for infusing your steam water with some herbs.

Ingredients you will need:

  • 4 – 5 cups of boiling water
  • Half a teaspoon of thyme
  • Half a teaspoon of dried rosemary

Preparation method:

Boil the water and add the rosemary and the thyme in a bowl. While it is still boiling, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. It will give you a more loosen secretion. You can repeat this procedure several times a day especially when you start feeling stuffed.

Another option is to take a shower steam two times a day. Soak yourself in a hot bath for 10 minutes. This can be helpful to break down the mucus. However, do not forget to moisturize your skin all over after taking the bath since warm water can easily dry up the skin.

The benefits of steaming can be immensely increased by putting in essential oils that are effective for purifying germs, alleviate congestion and becalm inflammation. A great option is, tea tree oil for it contains antimicrobial properties that rectify respiratory infections and irritated throat. Moreover, menthol oil soothes excessive phlegm and diminishes symptoms of asthma and sinus infections.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric contains an abundance of Curcuma, a robust antibacterial and antiseptic agent that reduce phlegm through the process of alleviating bacteria that results to mucus. Moreover, it’s great for boosting the immune system.
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Instructions on how to prepare turmeric mixture:


  • A teaspoon of turmeric
  • A glass of warm (not boiling) water
  • Half a teaspoon of salt

Preparation method:

Mix turmeric in a glass of warm water, once again not boiled. Add the salt and stir well. Gargle this mixture 3 – 4 times in a day for several minutes maybe at least 1 -2. It will help you to restore respiratory health by eliminating infections and getting rid of the phlegm in the chest.

An old but tested and proven trick to eliminate bacteria and reduce phlegm for an irritated throat is to gargle warm water with salt.

To lessen phlegm, be careful not to blow your nose too hard, limit exposure to irritants,increase the humidity at your home, apply warm compresses on the affected areas, drink warm liquids, but avoid drinking cold drinks. Also lay low on smoking or try to quit it entirely since it can cause more respiratory irritation.

Source: the-wau.com