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How To Move On From Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back

Ladies, Here’s Healthy Ways To Let Go Of Unrequited Love

1. Focus On Loving Yourself

Getting out of a one-sided relationship where he didn’t want you may leave you feeling undesirable or as if you’re not worthy of being loved. However, those lingering feelings should fade. Pour the love and attention you would have given your partner into loving yourself. Discover how you want to be treated by doing everything for yourself that you’d like a partner to do. Set the standard for acceptable treatment in your next relationship and work regular self-care into your routine at the same time. Identify what you want in a partner, and don’t settle for less.

2. Give Yourself The Time And Space To Grieve Your Loss

The relationship may have been one-sided, but you still had real feelings for your former partner. Allow yourself the time and space to grieve the loss of the connection and the love you had for him—but set a time limit for your misery. Give yourself a week or two to feel what you feel, but don’t let it become a habit. Remember, if you’re stuck wallowing in sadness over a lost love who didn’t want you, it could be easy to miss someone who does.

3. Lean On Your Support Network

Let your friends and family support you through the breakup. Create a positive environment with people you trust and talk through what happened if that could help you. You can and should set healthy boundaries, so if you’d rather be distracted and don’t want to talk about the breakup, politely but firmly tell them so.

4. Put Your Energy Into Personal Development

Studies show that people who focus on personal development, such as getting fitter, developing new skills, or making other positive changes in their lives, often show higher levels of self-confidence, personal satisfaction, and progress healing from a breakup compared to peers who did not make efforts to better themselves after separation.

5. Understand That You Are Worthy Of Love—He Just Wasn’t The Right Guy

Realizing that your former partner didn’t want you can be painful and may make you feel that no one will love you. That is likely your grief talking. You are worthy of love; he simply wasn’t the guy for you. The initial spark of connection with someone doesn’t always grow into something more, and even long-term relationships can fade.

6. Continue Letting Love Into Your Life

You may not want to even think about love for a while after the breakup. That’s fine—for a while. Try not to close yourself off from the possibility of connecting with someone else. Your ex may not have been the right guy for you, but that mean’s he’s still out there waiting to meet you.