Home Quiz How to know if a man takes you severe or not

How to know if a man takes you severe or not

How to know if a man takes you severe or not

It can be difficult to gauge how the other person feels, which can leave you feeling anxious.

If you’re wondering how your partner feels about you, there are few clear signs you can look out for.

This list doesn’t cover everything, as everyone has their own ways of showing they care, but it might help ease your mind and reassure you that he’s serious about you.

1. He Listens to You

If a guy is serious about you, he will really listen and he won’t take anything you say for granted.

You should be able to easily tell if he really listens. Does he pay attention to you when you talk? Does he ask clarifying questions to make sure he understands fully? And does he make you feel heard?

Listening is a skill. And if your guy is doing his best to improve that skill, then he probably is serious about the relationship. If you have your doubts, then look for other signs if he’s serious or not.

2. He Checks Up on You

If your guy hasn’t heard from you in a while, he should text or call you just to check in on you to see how you’re doing.

He may start to get a little worried that something is wrong or that you’re losing interest.

Don’t ignore him too much or he may start to think that something is really wrong and decide that you’re the one who is not that serious about the relationship.

3. He Helps You with Any Problem

Guys like to fix things, and it’s often their way of showing that they care. If you tell him about a problem that you’re having and he offers a solution, that’s his way of showing you that he cares and is serious about you.

When a guy cares about a woman, he naturally wants to take care of her. He wants to do everything he can to show her that he loves her even without saying it. So, if you have problems that he is always helping you solve or at least offers help, chances are, he’s pretty serious about you.

If he doesn’t show any interest in helping you with problems that you have, it usually means that he’s either a bit on the selfish side or that he’s not all that serious about the relationship.

4. He Makes You a Priority

If your guy cancels things that he has planned in order to be with you, it means that you are a priority to him.

Of course, he may occasionally have an emergency that takes priority, such as engine problems with his car he must fix on the weekend before going to work on Monday. In that case, be understanding and supportive, and he’ll really appreciate it.

If your guy is serious about the relationship, usually, he will go out of his way to make you a priority. He will plan things with you for the weekend and during the week too. The bottom line is, if he makes you a priority in his life, then you can be rest assured that he’s pretty serious.

5. He Does Thoughtful Things

Does he remember your birthday? Does he ever surprise you with thoughtful gifts that took effort on his part? Does he remember the date of your first date? If he does thoughtful things like that, he’s pretty serious about you…

Any time that a guy does thoughtful things for a girl, it’s a great sign that he’s serious. It means that when you’re not around, he’s thinking about you. Not only is he thinking about you, but also, he cares enough about you and your life to make things better.

6. You’ve met his friends/ family.

The fact that he’s introducing you to his friends or family is a great sign that a man is serious about you.

It’s his way of letting you into his life, and his heart, a little more, and shows that he is making a commitment to you and investing in the relationship.

Think about it the other way round – if you were casually hooking up with someone or were dating someone but didn’t see it going anyway, you probably wouldn’t bother introducing them to your friends.

When you know something is short-term, it doesn’t really make sense to let them see that other side of you and your life.

So, if he’s letting you see that, he’s in it for the long run.

He’s opening himself up, he’s proud to be with you and he’s showing that he sees you fitting into his life and wants to make space for you.

7. He Makes Future Plans

We’ve all been known to be a bit distant at times when we’re first dating someone.

We don’t really want to dedicate or commit our time to them by making longer-term plans until we know how we actually feel about them.

That’s totally normal, of course – it would be a bit intense if you were planning next year’s holiday with a guy you’ve been on 2 dates with!

But, when you’re with someone and see it becoming something genuine, something longer-term, you feel more comfortable making plans with them.

Again, it might not be a holiday, but it could be a gig next month, or even just a nice weekend of chilling and watching trash TV.

If he’s making an effort to plan things with you, however small they may feel, he’s serious about things with you – why else would he bother?