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How To Keep A Man Devoted And Make Him Think That You’re The Only One For Him

How To Keep A Man Devoted And Make Him Think That You’re The Only One For Him

1. Show how much you support and believe in him.

It matters a lot when a man feels that his woman trusts in him and his abilities instead of being distant or judging him.

2. Do nice things for him.

Men are usually expected to do all the hard work of planning dates and getting gifts. A man would really appreciate it if you pamper him, give him genuine compliments and show him you appreciate him.

3. Don’t be clingy.

Even after marriage, a couple will thrive if they maintain their own separate lives. Men appreciate it when you give them their space, it shows you’re serious about them.

4. Be there for him even if he’s not willing to talk.

Most men don’t talk about their problems even when they’re stressed. But just by being there by his side and being present, a guy will feel supported and cared for.

5. Take care of him.

Bring him lunch on a very busy day when he hasn’t had any food. Make him his favorite dessert yourself. Stuff like this shows a man he can count on you to make him feel better after a long day.

6. Ask for his help and advice on serious things.

Yes, an independent woman is attractive but men still like to feel needed. Still, try not to appear helpless and desperate, it’s unattractive.

7. Get to know his family and friends.

Even if he doesn’t know it, a man will see you in a different light when you get along with his family. If you got his friends’ approval too then double whammy!

8. Admit it when you’re wrong and apologize.

No one likes people who never admit they’re wrong because they think too highly of themselves. Swallow your pride and say sorry when it’s necessary.

9. Be grateful and show him you appreciate what he does for you.

Nothing makes a man happier than knowing they’ve done something that makes you really happy.

10. Avoid unnecessary drama.

Drama queens end up as crazy cat ladies. Sorry, not sorry. If you dip deep into drama on a regular basis then no healthy man is going to want to be your husband. Harsh, but true.

11. Don’t hide your true intentions.

If you want marriage or if you want to focus on your career for a few years then be upfront about it from the start.

12. Be forgiving.

Men often don’t understand us or what we want so they tend to make a lot of mistakes. We’re not saying immediately push down your feelings and forgive it but don’t hold it against him each time you fight.