Home Health How To Get Rid of Excess Mucus and Phlegm in Your Throat

How To Get Rid of Excess Mucus and Phlegm in Your Throat

Things That Causes Too Much Mucus in Your Throat And How To Get Rid of It

Mucus protects the respiratory system with lubrication and filtration.

It is produced by mucous membranes that run from the nose to the lungs.

When you breathe in, allergens, viruses, dust, and other debris line up with the mucus, which is then moved out of your system. But in some cases, your body may make too much mucus, which necessitates frequent throat cleansing.

Several health problems can cause excessive mucus production,

including acid reflux, allergies, asthma, infections, and the common cold lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Excess mucus can also result from specific lifestyle and environmental factors,

such as a dry indoor environment, low intake of water and other fluids, and high intake of fluids that can result in fluid loss, such as coffee, tea, and alcohol. In addition, specific medications and smoking cause excess mucus in the throat.

Your doctor may also recommend some self-care measures you can take to help lower mucus, such as:

1. Gargle with warm salt water.

Gargling with salt water is a simple home remedy that can help kill mucus-causing infections in the throat and upper airways.

2. Stay hydrated.

Taking in enough fluids, particularly water, can help decongest and help your mucus flow. Warm liquids can be effective, but avoid caffeinated drinks.

3. Elevate your head.

Lying down may allow you to feel as if mucus is building up in the back of your throat.

4. Avoid decongestants. Although decongestants dry up secretions, they can make it more difficult to reduce mucus.

5. Steam inhalation

The benefits of using steam to get rid of too much mucus in the throat can be enhanced by adding essential oils that reduce inflammation, kill germs, and relieve congestion.

6. Ginger

Ginger contains antiviral properties that can get rid of respiratory tract infections and therefore clear thick, hard to clear phlegm.

It is very easy to make ginger tea to get rid of mucus in the throat.

7. Honey

Drinking raw, unprocessed honey can help clear phlegm throat and treat upper respiratory tract infections. In addition to being a natural antibacterial agent, honey also has a soothing effect on the throat and can reduce constant coughing.