Home Health Have You Ever Noticed The Numbers on Egg Cartons Under the ‘Best...

Have You Ever Noticed The Numbers on Egg Cartons Under the ‘Best By’ Date? Here’s What They Really Mean

There’s certainly no shortage of eggs to choose from in the grocery store aisle, and while there’s a definite variety ranging from white and brown eggs to organic and free-range, they all have one thing in common — that numbering on the side of the carton. Go look at the egg carton sitting in your fridge right now and you’ll find that there’s definitely some code of numbers on the side.

Part of these numbers, of course, refer to the “best used by” date of the eggs. You’ll also notice, though, that there are some additional numbers on the carton. These mysterious numbers aren’t there just by accident, and they serve a very practical purpose that may just change how you go about deciding which carton of eggs land in your grocery cart. So learn about the Best-by date and enjoy your eggs.

1. The Best-By Date
It isn’t required of the FDA to give eggs a best by date by manufacturers. So knowing that, t is actually logical that the date isn’t actually accurate at all.

2. Julian Date
The way to figure out the age of an egg, is to find the Julian Date which is located close to the best by date. This is just a 3 digit number that indicates the exact date the eggs were packaged. So the number 359 would it was packaged on the 25th of December. This is given because manufacturers have a month to pack the eggs after being laid.

3. Keep Cold
A good tip to remember is that you need to store your eggs in your fridge, this makes them stay fresh as long as 5 weeks. No matter what, beyond that, the egg is already off.

Sources: mashed.com, qunki.com