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Guys, If You Want To Live Long, Never Marry These 6 Types Of Women

Guys, If You Want To Live Long, Never Marry These 6 Types Of Women
1. The Control Freak

This woman is domineering and insists on having her way in everything. She controls most of the relationship’s decisions and conducts herself like a boss. She makes decisions regarding the movies you watch, places food orders without your input, and handles a variety of other issues. You could feel occasionally that you are irrelevant to the situation.

2. Materialism is an obsession with money

She constantly demands money for the most little things, acting like a cunning robber. Because she either can’t cook or doesn’t want the hassle, this kind of lady favours fast food to homemade meals. She doesn’t contribute monetarily to the relationship and lets you handle all of her requirements.

3. A woman with comparison-making skills

This type of woman can’t go a day without discussing the topic with her ex and how he will respond. Her perception of you is that you are a poor partner despite your efforts to show that you can be one.

4. A woman who is anxious

Although anxiety affects everyone to some degree, some people are more vulnerable than others. To keep you around or scare off other ladies, this lady will go to tremendous measures. It could show out in numerous ways if she is always bragging about herself, looking for compliments, or being overly flirty with a male. All of this is done to increase her self-assurance.

5. The woman who is jealous

Insecurity and jealousy have some correlation, but not all insecure women are jealous. All of Miss Jealous’ acquaintances and time-stealing individuals are despised by her. To want more of your attention, she would do anything to sabotage your relationships with other people. She does not want to allow you any time to breathe; she wants all the spotlight.

6. The one who is abusive

Why would you want to be with someone who was abusive in the first place? Never work with someone who cannot control their anger or irritability. It’s fine if your partner gets furious now and again, but if you’ve seen that he gets angry about the most insignificant things and vents his frustrations in an abusive manner, you should leave.

Eventually, you will also become depressed. If your partner is verbally abusive now, he may be physically aggressive in the future. So don’t marry an angry man: