Guys, don’t ever say these things to your wife or girlfriend
1. “Whatever”
This shows indifference and a woman takes indifference in her man towards her and her concerns as a personal affront. You should know that means war and you don’t want that, do you?
2. “Didn’t you eat just now?”
Maybe it was a just an observation on your part but your lady probably won’t hear like that. Your drawing attention to her eating or wanting to eating another meal, soon after she finished one, is a fat accusation to her. She’ll probably see it as you taking an opportunity to tell her that she’s fat or eats too much.
3. “My mom used to do this differently”
You shouldn’t say this after she made you a meal or went out of her way to do something for you. She won’t take it likely, unless you’re adding that she does it better than your mom. Otherwise keep that observation to yourself, it won’t be welcome.
4. “Your mom is……..”
While she might whine about her mom to you, please brother, don’t try to do the same even if you just wanted to agree with her. She still thinks she’s the only one who has a right to whine about her mum or parents.
5. “Why do you bother with so much make-up”
When you say it, you’re telling her that her making up doesn’t add any much value to how she looks; meaning that she’s wasting her time; meaning she’s stupid……i’m sure you catch the drift. Instead couch your reservation with her make-up in statements like, “you don’t need make-up because you’re so beautiful”.
6. “–, my ex, used to…”
Nevert talk about what your ex did that you liked or compare your wife or girlfriend to her, especially where it concerns cooking or bedroom skills. You’re looking for major trouble.
7. “You won’t understand”
Your woman will wonder why didn’t just come out to say she’s stupid or worthless. You may have good reasons but don’t say like that or don’t say it all. She will be offended.
If you are in love with her, you have to watch what you say and how you say it. You wouldn’t want a dark cloud of moodiness replacing her loving attention because of something you said, would you?