Home Life Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you...

Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot

Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in the hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.

Love makes someone happy but it can also be the reason why the others cry.

I know a man who wants to make friend with someone, but that one does not want to make friend with him. So what they can do is just say nothing to eachother, but they still keep helping each other in silent whenever they can.

I also know a mother who loves her son so much, but unfortunately, her son doesn’t cooperate with the way the mother love him or even he doesn’t care about it. The son thinks that his mother is bothering him. Despite being sad, the mother still can not explain to him when her son is behaving like that.

I know many people who stuck in a unhappy-ending love. The love from one side only that they cannot tell to her/him; or she/he already knows but they don’t want to take.

More painful is when two people love each other but they cannot have a happy ending because of obstacles and ties. They choke in those unfinished love stories.

Those unhappy stories make people cry and squeeze their hearts. But afterall, it is because they love someone so they will feel painful when that love is not received by the other.