Home Life Friendship isn’t About Who Came First

Friendship isn’t About Who Came First

Friendship is something we all cherish and want to have. A beautiful friendship will add color to our lives. A good friend will make our life more meaningful. 

Friendship is not about who came first. It doesn’t matter if that friend came to you before or after the others did.

What matters is that they are the ones who come to become your friends, and they will stay with you forever. No matter what obstacles or difficulties are, they will not give up your friendship and will not leave you.

Even if you and they have conflicts, misunderstandings, or blame each other, they are still patient with this relationship. Even if you hurt them a few times, they won’t just leave because of that.

Because they cherish the friendship of you and them, they treasure and want to be with you, share their life with you. They are the best friends. The friendship between you and them is the best friendship.