Home Health Everytime you use smartphone at night, remember to do this first to...

Everytime you use smartphone at night, remember to do this first to keep you away from eye problems

Everytime you use smartphone at night, remember to do this to keep you away from eye problems

Talking on the phone at night is inherently unhealthy because of the blue light often emitted by these technological devices, which is also emitted by our cell phones. In fact, blue light from cell phones is very dangerous because of the fact that it can cause macular degeneration and many other eye problems in you.

However, there’s a truth that we cannot predict our lives. Sometimes we may need to use our phone at night. It’s important for you to be aware of some very valid security points or precautions when using your phone at night. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the things you need to type before using your phone at night.

What clothes should you wear before using your phone at night?

1 Sunglasses or goggles

Now these glasses also play a
technological role in this situation.

You should wear safety glasses because the blue light that emits from most devices. As I mentioned earlier, blue light can cause many problems, some of which are eye strain, macular degeneration, myopia, and many other eye problems that no one wants. So for your own good and the safety of your eyes, make sure you bring your blue light filter glasses or sunglasses with you.

2 Make sure the room or surrounding area is well lit

This is very important but it is often overlooked. Operating your phone in a dimly lit or dark room is very dangerous and not recommended. This is because the light coming from the device falls directly into your eyes, increasing your chances of experiencing many other problems, avoiding hitting your eyes directly, thereby reducing pressure and keeping your eyes calm.